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Route: Lenti-Rédics-Genterovci / Gönterháza-Lendava / Lendava-Čentiba / Csente-Torniszentmiklós-Lovászi-Szécsisziget-Lenti
In our cycling tour we cross the border here and too. From Lenti we take the main road towards Rédics, then take a bike path from the city border.
Route: Lendava/Lendva–Trimlini–Petišovci–(Mura-forest)–Pince-Marof–Pince–Dolina pri Lendavi–Čentiba/Csente–Lendava/Lendva
On this bike tour, the half of the route is on a gravel road, so it is advisable to start off with a mountain bike.